UltiMakwe - Hot/Cold Pull

UltiMakwe - Hot/Cold Pull

If the nozzle is clogged and/or the material has gone back, you can have issues where it thinks the material isn't there because the gears are grinding the material down.
Can you do hot and cold pulls on the print core you have issues with?
- Here is a guide that goes over doing hot and cold pulls to clean out the nozzle: https://support.ultimaker.com/s/article/1667411136256
- You may have to do 10+ hot pulls and 10+ cold pulls to get a good cold pull result.
Can you send us a picture of the results of your cold pulls?
- A good cold pull result will have a very smooth defined tip at the end that looks like a molded copy of the interior of the nozzle with no defects such as air bubbles or missing parts of the filament.

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